Where to Ride 2/5 - Thursday

Moderators: Josh Shirley, Craig Goudie, RickHeninger

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Thanks again to Craig since before 99' and Kenny since 08' for the forecasts.
-Forecasts are for entertainment purposes only. (Hopefully we are entertaining enough to provide an occasional chuckle.) All windriders are free to choose their locations and conditions, and are responsible for the risks thereof.

Where to Ride 2/5 - Thursday

Postby Kenny » Wed Feb 04, 2009 6:27 pm

Looks like a south wind day. PowMow will be the strongest with wind in the mid 20's, may want to head to Monte instead.

Skyline looks excellent with south wind in the mid-teens. This direction allows riding in areas that are normally in a wind shadow, so take advantage of the good snow in the lee areas. Check out the south side of Bosco as well.

Rush Lake will have wind in the low to mid-teens, may die off in the afternoon. Same is true in the SLC valley, get it in the morning if you can find adequate coverage.

Park City may have kiteable wind in the afternoon.

It will blow in Evanston, coverage is the primary issue.

Strawberry looks iffy, might get lucky, might not.

Friday looks like another south day with some snow in the forecast. Similar forecast as today, but Park City looks more promising and Strawberry may turn on as well.

I am in Idaho on business. I am headed to try out Snowkite Soldier in the afternoon. Jake has told me that I need to check it out. I will give a report.

I appreciate the posts and the updates by other riders! I hope this season has been a good one for you. I sure have enjoyed it thus far.
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