Instructions for receiving forum notifications

Moderators: Josh Shirley, Craig Goudie, RickHeninger

Forum rules
-Each forecaster has their own topic. Forecasters reply to their own posts. This forum is READ ONLY. You can not reply in this forum.
-We've set this up so you can subscribe to a forecast. Following these guidelines will guarantee that people recieve the forecasts they want.
Thanks again to Craig since before 99' and Kenny since 08' for the forecasts.
-Forecasts are for entertainment purposes only. (Hopefully we are entertaining enough to provide an occasional chuckle.) All windriders are free to choose their locations and conditions, and are responsible for the risks thereof.

Re: Instructions for receiving forum notifications

Postby Josh Shirley » Tue Jun 10, 2008 11:13 am

This is something Gubler and I have been kicking around for some time now. This is an amazing update to the website. One that everyone has access to and not just paid members! So pay the 12$ fee to keep these good things rolling.

Have you ever thought: "boy I wish I had the daily forecast sent to my email or phone?" Well this is why we set this up. Follow the simple instructions the Gubler spelled out. Then go to the new forecast forum and subscribe to that forum. Now what will happen is next time Craig gives his daily forecast a copy of the text will be sent to your email or phone. Amazing! and Free!

So if you are wondering why there is a new forum for Forecasts this is why. Only forecasts will be sent to your email not every posting on the board.

If you need help setting this up give me a call. 801 859-9897 Josh.

Email filter is a good idea.
For those that have blackberries this is great.
If your wireless phone provider charges for text messages then be aware that you will be charged for each text message. Here are the email addresses for the major wireless providers:

Blackberries - use your regular email address
AT&T Wireless your
Cingular your
Nextel your
Sprint PCS your
Tmobile your
U.S. Cellular your
Verizon your
VirginMobile your

Whatever thou art, do well thy part.
Josh Shirley
Site Admin
Posts: 905
Joined: Mon Apr 11, 2005 4:52 pm
Location: Salt Lake

Re: Instructions for receiving forum notifications

Postby joshgubler » Tue Jun 17, 2008 3:58 pm

A more exhaustive list can be found at: ... phone.html
Posts: 185
Joined: Thu Jan 04, 2007 11:36 pm
Location: Spanish Fork

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