The DOT and DeerCreek. Latest news from a recent meeting.

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The DOT and DeerCreek. Latest news from a recent meeting.

Postby bordy » Tue Aug 13, 2013 8:06 am

I was recently invited to attend a planing meeting with the DOT, about some changes coming to the road way along Deer Creek. It is no secret the master plan is to provide four lanes of freeway from Heber to Orem while doing this there may be a few growing pains for the DOT, I was pleased when they reached out to the wind riding community for information and input. Not wanting to represent the community solo,I was joined by long time wind rider, and local good guy John Guay.

This was a very positive meeting that will have very little Impact on our community, perhaps the most important aspect is that we are on the radar as valuable users of Deer Creek, and because of our efforts to work with the community and agencies governing DC we are viewed as a upstanding group of lake users that the rangers, BOR, DNR, and DOT value input and ideas from. This relationship is build on our past history of being stewards of wind sport and maintaining our own access spots with respect and caution. This includes being recognized as beach users who clean up after ourselves and police the safety of or group from within. Two things that continue to be paramount to our sucsess.

We must continue on this Path, including the difficult job of maintaining our safety record, I know it is difficult and creates friction between people some times, but not launching the kook who doesn't,t see the danger on to big of a kite on east wind day may be a hard thing to do in person on the beach, but is the correct thing for the long term sucsess of our community.

And of coarse it goes with out saying keeping our beach clean is representative of us.

Here are the quick notes from the DOT meeting for upcoming changes, many have no real effect to us.

The DOT will be closing the unpaid parking area at island beach, this is the spot that holds about 10 cars, there was a Fatality there involving a person in the back of a pickup truck, the access to and from the freeways has been deemed unsafe at that lot and it will be closed.

The goal of the DOT is to provide safe roadways as well as safe parking, The long term plan for four lanes will leave in place the "jug handle " area most kiters park at on Pepe's point to access Atlantis beach, during low water. The current lot at the corner or the road to midway will also stay in place. The DOT understands the parking area across the roadway between the two lots is also used, currently this spot is legal but they discourage our usage because you need to run across the freeway, using this lot for overflow is our best option, only when needed, or it may also be removed via no parking signs, it is a legal spot for now.

The DOT will also be building some retaining walls just south of the bay at island beach, there is a lot there that they will use to stage from, this construction, would only effect this tiny fisherman beach, unless you need to self rescue to it. Please be aware the road will go one lane south of the bay during non peak traffic hours and walls will be build down to the lake.

And now onto Barb wire beach. The master plan is to improve this beach in the future, adding parking a pit toilet and perhaps a dirt boat launch. This plan includes the needs of windriders and the space will cater to us as primary users.

In till these improvements are made BWB will remain as is, we are welcome to utilize it, the DOT has only one concern at BWB and that is That we Park off the road and use caution to not create any accident/ incidents while pulling in or out. This is true for all the lots we use, the DOT clearly stated that would be the easiest way to have parking areas reviewed, was to have a accident caused by a beach user so let's please use caution.

John and I were pleased to be invited to participate by the DOT. It was a great meeting that strengthened our roll as lake users. I only hope the community of wind riders will continue it positive influences via smart parking choices, and safe launching areas, as well as smart wind riding practice.

I am happy to answer any questions either here on the forum or in person on the beach.

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Re: The DOT and DeerCreek. Latest news from a recent meeting

Postby forrest.maclean » Tue Aug 13, 2013 8:51 am

Thanks for representing us all at the meeting. Having just moved to the SLC valley, I haven't riden at DC yet. (I've only made it to Utah Lake so far). But I will be sure to keep things going the way it has been. I appreciate all the work everyone has put in to make Utah a very friendly kiting/windsurfing community.

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Re: The DOT and DeerCreek. Latest news from a recent meeting

Postby Ralph Morrison » Tue Aug 13, 2013 9:41 am

Well written post Billy. Thanks to you and John for representing us.
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Re: The DOT and DeerCreek. Latest news from a recent meeting

Postby Josh Shirley » Tue Aug 13, 2013 12:04 pm

Thanks Billy.
Whatever thou art, do well thy part.
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Re: The DOT and DeerCreek. Latest news from a recent meeting

Postby Marty Lowe » Tue Aug 13, 2013 5:19 pm

Good job Billy and John for representing UWA members.
Great write up on the developments Billy.

This is a great example of why UWA is important to all Windriders.

Some have said why even join or be part of UWA.
Isn't this reason enough?
To have representation for windriders needs seems priority one to me.
With great representation from the likes of Billy and John,
we appear to be in great shape access wise for now.

Thanks you guys!
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Re: The DOT and DeerCreek. Latest news from a recent meeting

Postby Angelina Robert » Fri Sep 13, 2013 5:07 am

Awesome lines written By Billy...
Thanks for the post. Helpful for New developers..
Angelina Robert
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